Sunday, September 5, 2010

Real Beauty??

As the years have passed, the perception of what beauty really is in the world has become unbelievably skewed. The entertainment world puts so much pressure on young girls to live and breathe perfection. Models and actors are all stick figures because honestly that is what works. It is a shallow way to look at things but that is what sells and what the public expects and sees as beautiful.

The video below is a commercial for the Dove self-esteem fund. It is an awareness video called evolution. It is a fairly old campaign, but it has always made an impact on me. I’ve always known that companies edit and retouch photos in order to make their ads more appealing to the consumer eye, but I never knew the severity of how much they actually change someone’s face just to make them "beautiful". The women at the beginning of the video doesnt even resemble the woman that ends up on the billboard.

Is this really what beauty has come to? Young woman have enough self esteem issues without throwing the entertainments view of perfection into the mix. Ads like this one have been popping up trying to get people to realize that what we think is perfect and gorgeous are really just fake photos, yet somehow people continue to buy into this perception of how looks should be. With the truth staring you right in the face, how do you choose to see beauty?

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