Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wash Your Balls

Everyone has seen or heard of the new Old Spice, Smell like a man’s, man, Commercials. If I was in the market for a mans body wash or buying one for a man, this commercial would of pushed me towards Old Spice without a doubt. The creative nature of the commercial just stick in your head and make you remember them when you’re going to the store. I didn’t think any other brand would come close to Old Spice for awhile until about two days ago when I saw the new Axe Commercial.

The video above is the "wash your balls" commercial from Axe. Basically the commercial goes through how the axe body wash and the axe detailer can get any kind of sports balls clean. Now obviously the commercial is supposed to be a play on words, because no guy is going to use Axe to clean those kinds of balls, which is what makes it so funny and memorable.

Axe body wash commercials have always been funny, hence the "boom chicka wah wah," commercial, but they have reached a whole new level with this one, which is why I believe it will prove extremely effective for them.

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